Unfortunately all the good online storage spaces that offered free services bit the dust when the tech-bubble burst, so until I can find a good storage space any movie or mp3 I had will no longer be available.
I also have an animated gif I made from the new movie. Since I don't have enough to warrant a whole page I'm just gonna put it here.
So it Begins......
The Vampire Hunter D saga began in 1983 when Hideyuki Kikuchi wrote the first Vampire Hunter D Novel. He then went on to create a total of 12 novels spread out over 19 volumes. Their success grew and it was inevitable that an animated production was not far off.
In 1985, the first Vampire Hunter D novel was adapted into a 75 minute long OAV. The character designs had been drastically simplified to allow for easier animation. Fairing well in Japan, D was dubbed and released in the United States by Streamline Pictures where it became a runaway success. Despite the poor dubbing the movie quickly joined ranks among Akira and Bubblegum Crisis as classics.
In 1998 the second Vampire Hunter D movie was released in Japan. It is based off the third D novel "Yôsatsukô" (Demon Deathchase). With advances in animation procedures and CG art the character designs hew more closely to Yoshitaka Amano's (Final Fantasy, Sandman:The Dream Hunters) original concepts. Directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri (Ninja Scroll, Wicked City) and released by Urban Vision. Slated to appear in U.S. theatres this year (2001) Vampire Hunter D has been a long awaited and anticipated anime by myself and countless others. Urban Vision plans to release the movie to a wider range of theatres than an anime title normally does. Hopefully one of those theatres is in your neighbourhood so you will have a chance to see a great title on the big screen.
From what I have seen of the new movie it was definetly woth the wait. The animation is superb and the action is blistering. Watch out or you might get burned. ^_^
Unfortunately the mangas have yet to be translated and released. So good luck finding one.
Playstation game console has a Vampire Hunter D game. The game runs along the same kind of guidelines as Resident Evil and uses the new character designs you can expect to see in the latest movie. The game lacks luster and could be much better. But for the avid D fan it is worth the money spent.
 The first Vampire Hunter D Movie -
We'll start with a little bit of background info. Civilization is blasted to rubble when a global war breaks out in 1999. In the aftermath mutants and vampires rise to prey on the human race. The vampires form a sort of fuedal heirarchy in which they are at the top and keep the humans around like cattle. Inbreeding and gene pool stagnation eventually causes the vampires power to weaken allowing the humans to banish them from the cities. The vampires remain on the frontier lands where they prey on the people there and this is where the vampire hunters come into the picture. In the year 12,090 D is the greatest hunter of them all, being a 'dhampir'(half-human,half-vampire) he is ideally suited for the job.
The story begins with Doris Lang, the daughter of deceased Werewolf Hunter, she lives with her younger brother, Dan, near the town of Ransylva and has continued to carry out her fathers duties. Doris is however lusted after by the great Count Magnus Lee , a 10,000 year old vampire who considers Ransylva his territory. On a hunting mission Doris encounters Magnus. Having been bitten by Count Lee, Doris hires D to protect her and to destroy the Count.
All Doris has to offer as payment to D is a place to stay, 3 meals a day, and her body. D refuses her offer knowing he would succumb to his vampiric half if he were to take Doris' body. It seems that D cannot hunt the Count without the towns permission. Dr. Fearing, the town doctor, convinces the mayor to allow D to hunt him citing that every time a woman is bitten it proves useless to try and lock them away for their protection. It turns out that Count Lee surfaces every 50 years to claim a human bride, and Doris is his latest target.
Before D has the chance to take the fight to Magnus, his daughter Lamica sends the skilled Rei Ginsei and his mutants to kill Doris. An elitist with an overabundance of pride Lamica despises the fact that her father would taint the Lee blood (which can be traced back to Dracula himself) with a human bride so she plots to kill her first. Rei and his mutants are no match for D as he cuts a path of destruction through the mutant attackers.
After a lot of trouble getting there D arrives at the Count's castle where he encounters and destroys even more mutants and the three sisters, who are snake like monsters who suck the life force out of their victims. In an all out final battle between D and Magnus, D must allow his vampiric half to dominate which results in strength that suprises and amazes both Magnus and Lamica. In a moment of realization by Magnus it is implied that D may be a direct descendent of the most powerful and revered vampire himself, Dracula, who is worshipped by other vampires as a God.
In the end after Magnus is defeated Lamica learns she to is a dhampir (half-human,half-vampire) but despite her disappointment she proudly decides to stay with her father in their crumbling castle. Once back in town Doris invites D to stay with her but knowing he will never truly belong D decides it is best if he goes on his way.
 The New Vampire Hunter D Movie -
Seeing as how the movie is not yet released in my area this summary is derived from an article written by Benjamin Wright in Animerica Vol.9 issue1.
John Elbourne, a wealthy patriarch of a frontier village summons D to rescue his daughter Charlotte and kill Meier Link, the young vampire who has kidnapped her. If D is too late to rescue Charlotte before she is turned into a vampire he is ordered to kill her as well.
Despite D's reputation as the greatest hunter of all time, Elbourne hires the Markus brothers to do the same job. The Markus brothers, however, do not like competition so D and the brothers wind up butting heads a few times as they cross the wastelands in pursuit os Meier Link.
In the mutant only town of Barbaroy, Meier hires a team of mutants to protect him and deter his would be killers. Between the constant run-ins with these mutants and their battles with D the Markus brothers are defeated until only Leila, the one Markus sister, remains to challenge him. D and Leila team up out of neccesity and storm a highly guarded vampire safe-house and continue to chase Meier to his final destination, a forbidden vampire castle which is haunted by the Countess Carmilla.
D discovers Meier's true motives, Meier has genuinely fell in love with Charlotte and wanted nothing more than to be together with her, but is dedicated to finishing his mission. The Countess plans to ressurect herself and will resort to any deception necessary to achieve her goal. In the final battle D must once again release the vampiric half of his soul in order to survive.
 The Video Game on Playstation One -